OK I know its been a while since my last entry,But time does have away of getting away from us.The next thing you know its not July any more its Oct !!!!.So grab a drink or whatever sit back and read away.
Just remember I am not a writer…………………April 16th we finished packing up the last few things in the MH and truck. But before we headed out we went to have breakfast with Dave, Jamie Jones and Dean. Getting ready to go doing last min. check on everything,checking tow lights and they did not work.After Dan messed with the wires for a while. We just ended up going to U-Haul and buying a new pair of tow lights. Dan got them hooked up and down the road we went. We stayed in GA.the first night. Penn. the second night,then at Deans the third night before home.Got home mid afternoon that fourth day, set some stuff up that we were using that day.Had a nice visit with the kids and then Dan and I went to bed early that night. Girls did too. they got to run about all a day and loving it. Wore them out for the night.The next few days we were busy unpacking the camper of stuff we did not need to take with us to the KOA that we were going to host this summer.And packed up what we needed to take .Got to visit with some of the family before we left.the other half I just don’t know about.. we only stayed about a week.Dan and I celebrated our 34th anniversary on the 24th of this month .We headed to Quichee Gorge VT. KOA . April 30th.got there in the afternoon met with the owners and then back to the site and finished setting up camp for the summer.I started training in the office the next day.Oh yea! I was being trained to register campers in set up reservations to selling stuff out of the store.Dan hung at the site for awhile and then meet up with Bob the owner they rode around in the golf cart as Bob showed Dan what’s to be done and what needs to be fixed .Things seemed ok as far as us staying. The next day was a different thing.I went to the office doing my thing with the other ladies that of been here for three years or so hosting.Dan and Gorge who thought he was the boss….. of course he was the only one that thought that. So he and Dan did not hit it off right from the start.The guy was a ass.Then the hours they wanted us to work did not match what was on there work web site. and then the owners were getting a divorce he was going to run the cg from home in Pa. She is going to stay and run the cg.she had no clue what to do on the grounds them self.We had a talk with them about everything and told them we let them know in the am if we were staying or going.I already knew we were out of there…So we packed back up and headed for home ,got home about two set up camp Again and here we are….During the month of May we did yard work plenty to clean up after the ice storm this past winter.Did alot of planting and grooming.Dan got the John deere mower running and he also the push mower up and working .He oiled sharpen the blades painted it and put to work,been working just fine all summer..We started getting Kyle on Mons and Fri.He has grown so much and a normal four year old.He loves being outside and hanging with Grandpa….Grandpa is his buddy.I got my job back at Delays store. I worked three to four days a week days and nights.But as of Sept 1 I have been on days . Tasha has been out on preg leave.Rest of the month was the everyday thing. Next thing we are into June and it RAINED,AND IT RAINED did I say it rained alot in June? Temps were not that great either. But we still managed to get in a few cookouts with mom and dad.That”s about the time Dan got back on the laptop and on face book.He was able to hook up with alot of family members from his side of the family, that he has not seen or talk to in years.He got hooked up with his sister that has been good for both of them… We did not do much outside,and what sunny day we did get it was still to wet to do much other then mow.David had his 29th birthday on the 10th of June.Look out 30s.July started out like June wet after a week or so the sun came out!!!!!!!!!!! Jeremy got some fireworks for the fourth. We had a cookout hung around the fire till show time. It was a good show Maybe we will see more of you there next year. We took Kyle camping in Woodstock the weekend of the 16th.
He rode up front with Grandpa.
He was co-pilot. Got to our site set up for a few days.
Then we walked the cg checked out the river fed the ducks. Made a trip into town for a ride stopped by for an ice cream. Kyle had dinosaur crunch Dan and I had a sundae and all before dinner. SO don’t tell mom or dad…..The next day we went to Clarks trading post,got there about 9;00 checked out the museums , rode the train and was chased by wolf man.
Kyle thought that was pretty cool.Dan and Kyle rode the water bumper cars he had fun
getting the others wet.then he climbed the rock wall right to the top.then we made our way to the segway park. Kyle and I each rode our own segway ,first time for each of us.
He did real good. Then later on we went back to the waterbumber cars. This time Kyle drove his own and I had mine. Boy did he ever get me wet,but I got my shots in to
.Now for an ice cream sundae and you get to put your own toppings on . now that’s pretty cool for a four year old and before lunch……Don’t tell mom or dad.That’s our secret….
. It’s time for the bear show And what a show it was. The son is now doing the show with his sister.Between them and the bears it was a good show.Kyle did good through the whole thing.
Now back to camp for a break .Took a nice walk about the camp ground, feed the ducks and played a few games at the arcade room.
Time for a fire and dinner.We had lobster and shrimp.For the rest of the night we hung around the fire cooked some marshmallows for snack.Kyle kept busy with riding his bike and playing with his dudes.The next day we just hung out at camp, Dan and Kyle went swimming in the river burr.
We collected a few small rocks to bring home.
Kyle met up with a few kids during the day ,they were in the age group 7 to 13 yrs.
Oh what a blast he had ,he got to ride with the big boys and hang out with at the play ground so cool……
.Had a good meal that night and then it was nightly night time for Dan and I we were beat.It didn't take long for kido to be out. The next day we got ready to head home. Cheryl and Jeremy meet us at the hobo train station at noon, Kyle had no clue they were going to be there.
He was abit surprised.We chatted for a few then Dan and I headed home they went and did some of their own stuff. It was a real good weekend… Cheryl said it was along one for her. ha ha ….The next few weeks we pulled the rug out of the camper and Dan put down a Cherry wood floor
.It looks SO much better.It looks so nice.
Cheryl and Jeremy celebrated there 3rd anniversary July22nd.With a lot more to come… August just flew right by us,David and Jenn also celebrated there 3rd year Aug.19th .Best wishes for many more.The kids are doing good,they all have good steady jobs.They have there own places ,raising a family,maintaining there homes doing a dam good job! Keep it up guys your doing great. Cheryl had her birthday Aug. 23rd.And we will leave out the age.This was the weekend Dan and I met Jim and Pat in Northwood N.H. @ Saddleback campground to do some camping. It was a nice weekend .We went out for dinner Friday night. Went to Camping World checked out some of the campers and man the new ones are unreal . Went back to camp had lunch and took a nap. Jim cooked chops on the grill with some beef tips ,some salad and dinner was ready and pretty good too. Hung by the fire for a while that night. It was about ten when we turned in for the night. Real night owls we are. ha ha.. Sunday we packed up for home but first we went out for breakfast.It was a real layed back weekend. We did enjoy the company too . Got to do more of it guys..We went halves on an excavator with Cheryl and Jeremy. Dan operated the excavator
and Jeremy drove the Bobcat,
Dan worked on the driveway to widen it out on the corners.
He dug out a lot of big rocks. and Jeremy hauled them to the bottom of the driveway to build a wall on the left side of the drive,
looks good .Good job Jeremy! The driveway is so much better too!Jeremy got to keep the bobcat for a while so he did some work on the property. Dan has started to put the tent back up so we can work in there.He wants to get some Adirondack chairs built. He has an order for four now. Better get moving… Kyle started school the end of the month.We just were not ready for that. We were having a good time this summer,we got him on Mons. and fris. Him and Dan had fun hanging with each other.They go out riding the scooter, go to the lake the park just had a dam good time.Now we just get him on Fridays boo hoo….A few weeks ago Dan and Jeremy fix the brook so it don’t run near the well.Fixed the crack in the well put some clean sand down and job done.In the Mean time Cheryl and I cleaned the rest of the brook of twigs and branches,running free and clear….So Cheryl lost her shoe a few times in the mud.HA HA……. Kido had his 5th. birthday Sept.19th
He had a few friends over.Cheryl made a piƱata and they had a blast beating at it. He got a bike from mom and dad.
He made out pretty good. We even had the ice cream lady stop by and we had ice cream. Man where did that time Go…….I can’t believe we are into October already.Come on time slow down. Dan and I have been watching some of the old family videos and man have the kids changed and some adults to…. And laugh oh man did we laugh.Especially when we watched the one of Heather and Shelly on the dirt bike going through the mud hole, and the second time through well they didn't make it. FELL RIGHT IN THE MUD…HA HA…….You have got to see it!!!!! Last Friday afternoon Dan Cheryl Jeremy Kyle and I went to Jim and Pats house in Maine. We went up to help Jim paint their roof.
There was some rust showing time to take care of it . So Dan and Jeremy got to work and was done about 1pm.Jim and Pat made lunch for us,
Oh that’s right both Jims sang a few songs Friday night and they did dam good!The kids got the Grandfather clock from Jim.
Cheryl has been wanting it for a while and Jim and Pat were not using it any more anyways.Now it sits in their living room. and working fine looks good to. Dad just had a birthday 27th sept. We had him and mom over for dinner.This past Tuesday night I let the girls out.The girls are our two beagles.And when I was in the potty I heard some noise under the camper so I go to see what was going on, and boy when I opened the door I got smacked in the face with skunk smell l!!!!!!!!! So I get the girls in and smell we had to cover our mouth with a towel. Well they got a bath in a solution that Dan got off line.It worked on sweetie ,so she is good.Angel has had three baths so far and may get another tomorrow.Man what a nasty smell it just lingers on.Sunday OCT. 4th I went with Cheryl Carrie and Jenn to Yankee candle in Deerfield Mass. We had a nice time got some smelly candles.And now I think I have caught up with all if I have left anything out sorry.And I will try to keep up with this blog better. Talk to ya later………………….